
Not able to get to the Center? Join our Discord server! The server is available for all LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-24 in the North or South Carolina area and most of our activities can be found on the server. The server is active 24 hours a day and is moderated by a team of trusted young people.

While participating in TOY’s Discord Server, moderators will hold participants to Center guidelines as well as Discord Guidelines to create an affirming environment for all participants.

Users will have to agree to the Server guidelines when they join. Violation of Center or Discord guidelines can result in removal from the server.

Please note that this space is ONLY for LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-24 in North and South Carolina. If you are an adult who wants more information about the server or would like notes on how to create your own server, please reach out to us at info@timeoutyouth.org. Thanks!